Hey, so remember that whole thing were they thought Lindsay Lohan had stolen $40,000 worth of jewelry from an Elle magazine shoot? And then remember how they decided she hadn't? Well, those jewels aren't even in the photo shoot for Elle. An insider tells People that Lindsay never even wore the jewelry.
Police are still trying to figure out what happened to the jewels and Scotland Yard confirmed to People that they are still investigating and no arrests have been made. You think that Elle would be more worried about this, but they seem kinda chill.
Lindsay hasn't even thought about this at all it seems. I bet she doesn't even remember the shoot. Oh, that's kinda mean. I bet she remembers wearing all the fun clothes. Apparently Lindsay is a fantastic person to have as your model. At least that's what the people from Elle want us to think. Watch the video! It's actually very interesting watching Lindsay model.
So far she's busy maybe making Machete with Robert Rodriguez. And she's blonde again, in case you missed that. What's with the all the celebs going blonde? I guess they were just not having any fun.
